Parker loved to fish - and by that I mean he loved going out on Pop’s boat and have him rig, bait and set his rod all while he sat and named the seagulls that flew by. He would sit and wait for a tug at his line, or better yet, if someone else (me) had a bite we would hand it off to him to reel in. I’m pretty sure the 4 pounder here was originally mine.
I loved going fishing with the kids. It was a place where you had no choice but to spend time together. We would play “Would you rather” and laugh at the silliness. Pop especially loved these days because he was doing what he loved best with the people he loved the most.
I’m so sorry that we no longer have these days. I just can’t get back to where we were before. I want him back. I want my old life back. It’s just so unfair.
I love you forever, Bud.
