Parker's Army 3rd Annual Color Run
Friday, May 10, 2024
6PM - 8PM
Nautilus Park
In honor of his birthday, we would love for you to join us in celebrating the beautifully colorful life of Parker Nork. He was a beacon of radiant smiles and endless love and what better way to come together than COLOR!
Our event is family and kid-friendly - come join us for music, face painting, balloon animals, food trucks and much more! Participants can run or walk at your own pace, no need to worry about your time!
Registration for ages 10 and under (ages 3 and under are free) - $20.00 includes event T-shirt and silicone event wristband if purchased before 5/5/24.
Registration for ages 11+ - $25.00 includes event T-shirt and silicone event wristband if purchased before 5/5/24.
You may register the day of the event starting at 5PM. Pricing at the event will be $30.00 for each participant regardless of age. Same day registration does not guarantee an event t-shirt.
All participants who register by 5/5/24 will receive an event tee shirt and silicone event wristband.
Packet pick up for registered participants will start at 5PM on Friday, May, 12, 2024 at Nautilus Park. Please wear attire that you don't mind getting stained, as the color may not wash out of some materials.